April 9, 2010

Karen Chimes In

Ok, just got this thing figured out, maybe. I'm supposed to be running a mile race today, but it's outside and it's really cold. Wah. I was going to just run a training run around the neighborhood instead, but I'm feeling so chilled that I might just stick to a walk on the treadmill. I can't run on the treadmill (yet) because it's on a permanent incline that got my heart rate up to what seemed like 200 after just a few minutes. Just not ready for that kind of hill work yet. It would be nice to have it set at no incline so I could actually run, but we're thinking that ability might be broken. Walking uphill constantly is quite a workout anyway, so I might as well do that. Thanks to Easter, I've gained back three pounds of the 10 I lost since Jan. 5. NO MORE JUNK FOOD IN THE HOUSE!